
In order to facilitate your search, we have several suggestions available in the following category(s):



Good things should be shared!


Nothing makes us happier than welcoming new guests who come into PortoBay on the recommendation of friends and/or family!


With Prestige Friends, any Silver or Gold member guest who recommends one of our hotels to a friend or relative who has never stayed at PortoBay, is offering them the privilege of experiencing the benefits associated with their Prestige level during their first stay. Platinum guests can award Gold level to recommended friends.


e.g. When person A makes a first direct reservation at a PortoBay hotel on the recommendation of friend B, that person will get the benefits of the Prestige level of friend B during their stay. If, after this first stay, person A decides to continue to stay at PortoBay, they will progress up the Prestige programme as their XP points are mount up.

• Valid for the first stay of the friend recommended at a PortoBay hotel;


• Valid for bookings with a minimum stay of 2 nights, made directly with the hotel through, +351 291 708 760 or at;


• The discount to be applied on the direct booking by a friend is 10% when recommended by a Prestige Silver member and 15% when recommended by a Prestige Gold or Platinum member. The discount applies on the best rate available at;


• On their first stay, the recommended friend will be given a temporary digital card with the same level as their Prestige friend. A temporary Gold level digital card will be issued to the friend recommended by a Prestige Platinum member;


• The friend recommended should register on the PortoBay app or in their personal area of the PortoBay website to get access to their temporary card;


• The friend recommended enjoys the benefits of the Prestige friend only during the 1st stay (e.g. discounts at restaurants and bars, treats in the bedroom, etc);


• After the 1st check-out the card of the recommended friend is changed to Silver level and the XPs for this first stay will be added to their XP balance;


• Campaign not applicable to existing bookings;


• Discount does not apply to Prestige Package bookings;


• Cannot be combined with other offers/campaigns;


• Double Discounts campaign not applicable to recommended guests.

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