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More and more facilities with Les Suites at The Cliff Bay

More and more facilities with Les Suites at The Cliff Bay

Cinema room, Pilates room, library, gym . .. are just some of amenities at the new hotel Les Suites at The Cliff Bay. Guests will also enjoy access to all services and amenities at The Cliff Bay: direct access to the sea, 3 pools, 3 jacuzzis, spa, gardens, bars and restaurants, including the renowned Il Gallo d´Oro, with two Michelin stars !! Both hotels are connected by beautiful gardens, as well as a comfortable interior corridor. find out more

More News

6 AUGUST 2024

Menu revamped at the Avista restaurant

Recent additions promise a culinary journey

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6 AUGUST 2024

New additions on the menu at the Avista Asia restaurant

New creations in Asian cuisine

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25 JULY 2024

Chefs Get together at Horta restaurant

New creations and new exclusive menu . ..

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