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Il Gallo d’Oro restaurant has reopened . ..

Il Gallo d’Oro restaurant has reopened . ..

Il Gallo d'Oro reopens in 2021 with a total refit in the dining room and some more modern, contemporary touches. The large windows that run along the front of the restaurant, the lighter environment and the careful lighting give the room a new light, combined with the warm colors of the decor and the freshness of the many green plants both inside and outside the restaurant.

The biggest innovation of this refurbishment is the 'Chef's Table', located in the centre of the room, which with the new furniture and equipment allows greater proximity of the kitchen team with the guest.

For this reopening, the Chef Benoît Sinthon has prepared two menu options; the first focused on enhancing Madeira's 'terroir' and the second combining regional produce with high quality international products. Trout, limpets, "poncha", "Espetada Madeirense" (Madeiran skewers), fish from the coast or vegetables from the PortoBay garden are just some of the ingredients used.

Curious? Come and try it out. ..

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Chefs get together at Horta restaurant

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17 JULY 2024

Il Gallo d’Oro Distinguished by the Wine Spectator

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